About the Show
Meet your new favorite buds! This is a podcast about our pursuit of the three fundamental keys to happiness: health, wealth, and curiosity. Our journey explores how food and our daily lives intersect, satiating mind, body, and spirit. Like mirepoix in a dish, these keys to happiness are the reason life tastes so good. Let's get cookin!

Hosts Emily & Melissa Jones
Invite you into the kitchen

We are your buds! And we also happen to be sisters, not twins...just sisters. We started this podcast to share our love of food, knowledge, and laughter. Midwest girls to the core, our podcast was born in Chicago but journeyed down the Mississippi to St. Louis. Food isn't our only love. Comic books, gardening, travel, fashion, beauty, self-care, hiking and the great outdoors are other passions of ours that we will gladly chat your ear off about one day. Our dream is to share our culinary adventures with others and to own a farm where we can sustainably grow enough to keep ourselves and the ones we love well nourished. Family meals shared around the table have always held a special place in our hearts because they have the ability to feed body, mind and soul.

The Forever Foodie.
Food has always brought me great joy--there is a reaction that can only be described as love. My heart overflows with happiness at the thought of a good meal, whether it is dining out or prepared at home. Over the years, cooking has become a creative outlet for me that I always seem able to make more time for. I love trying to recreate favorite dishes, try new cuisines, or experiment with different ingredients. Currently a pescatarian, I tend to focus on veggie forward meals, but let's be real, this girls favorite things are wine, cheese, and bread.
When I am not in the kitchen, I am usually haunting the galleries of an art museum or combing through the stacks for new comics at the library. Compulsive to the point that I cannot rest, I stay up late crafting, writing letters, or running miles to cancel out all of the carbs. My phone is filled with notes on the latest eats, the next travel destination, or dream menus of meals to come. I'll sleep when I'm dead, now it's time to feast.

The Curious Dame.
As the ever inquisitive anthropologist, I have always been drawn to the knowledge other cultures can impart on your own identity. In my global travels, I quickly learned that the key to any culture is food. Food can dictate or signify wealth, social status and health, yet it can also bridge some of the greatest divides. I love the power that a shared meal can have on people. In a world as tumultuous as ours, it is a relief to know that a good meal amongst the best company can change the tides. I have a love affair with exploring new places, big or small, and food is such a special part of any journey. Not only does it give me the energy to keep hiking and adventuring, but it also teaches me about the people and places I meet along the way. Food elicits feeling and emotion and can therefore be a great source of creativity. It's teachings are visceral and tangible and there is no greater feeling than feeling full.